When we talk about sustainability, we mean a concrete commitment to Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG), aimed at preserving the well-being of the community!
We love the Planet! We are sensitive to environmental and social issues and believe that even small actions can help change the world.
We love nature and animals, so we try to protect them and promote biodiversity.
How do we do this?
- By not testing products on animals (cruelty free);
- By supporting the ZeroCO2 project by planting trees in poor and deforested areas. A positive and genuine initiative against climate change: the trees planted help clean the air, absorb CO2, produce oxygen, filter air and water from pollutants and provide a habitat for much of the earth's biodiversity.
Each one of us is important, which is why we always try to pay attention and care for others!
How do we do this?
- By dermatologically testing all our products, formulating them with respect for our customers' skin;
- By supporting precarious communities with the ZeroCO2 project that donates planted trees to local farming families. A concrete support that contributes to their economic and food well-being.
- During the pandemic, we also supported health workers by donating our products to relieve their irritated skin with masks and disinfectant gels.